“The smallest window of awakening can......

invigorate the largest expansion of creation”

There is a noble pursuit in the undeniable truth of self, which is guided by the world’s own, a True North. While the world was fading into its darkest twilight in it’s perpetual pivot, there was a discovery of an individual true north, like a blooming lotus emerging from the dark mud. The world may have come to a halt at one point, but the seed was planted much earlier and nurtured. To defeat all odds and silence the questioning, with a quiet mind and strong drive, comes the belief in one true North or as its called......


I have always viewed the world through a different lens, seeking out not just the superficial, but all iterations and expressions. Through my unique process of translating imaginations to reality, taking the changing and challenging perspective, I forgo trends and seek out timeless renditions melding together a harmonious balance to transition through the years. My approach is tailored to meet the needs of each and every client.

I realized that it's not just what you imagine, it's what comes to life, the question “is it functional?” remains at the forefront. The pursuit of creation is not about simplification, more so about achieving a balance that can break boundaries and uses. Through this unique application, I have stayed true to my creations and process with conviction in my vision to always deliver a timeless masterpiece.

Par LaChance is the culmination of a history rich in entrepreneurship, design, consulting, product development, and more- a house of creativity that crosses every sector and field. This is a journey 10 years in the making, taking the last two years to hone in on my own True North, a representation of not just who I am, but what I believe in. Par LaChance as a whole represents every branch and aspect of my life, every minute detail of this masterpiece has been touched by my vision. Elements from font, color, photography, graphic design, and copy met the same meticulous preparation and execution that I deliver to my clients. Under the umbrella, I’ve created four representations that simultaneously project my path and the start of more to be unveiled.

The Start of the V!s!on!

Affiliated Brands

Between business consulting and creating, you seem to cast a wide net, what drew you?

I’ve always felt a magnetic pull to constant movement, eager to see imagination come to fruition and satisfy the outpour of creation. One of my secrets is that I take a sincere hands-on approach to any venture. When it came to construction, I studied every field involved to grasp the understanding. The same when it came to the full brand development of restaurant concepts. I’m invigorated by novelty and inspired by challenges, even cooking at home won’t yield the same result twice, it always gets better each time! Ultimately, I’m drawn to nurturing my curiosity and delivering answers in all forms.

Is there anything you won’t design?

I look at the world around me, thinking of the intricate detail that goes into shaping and forming the matter it’s made of. Exotic flowers with precise geometry, the duality of hard aesthetic with soft sensations, the individual waves crashing at the shore. I see an opportunity for design everywhere and anywhere, why would I limit myself with the assumption that I would not be able to design something? I choose to keep my boundaries fluid.

As a creative, when your mind keeps spinning, how do you focus?

I strive to apply the same attention and emphasis to my health as I do my work. I’ve experienced the long grueling hours of seemingly impossible deadlines, unable to break the thought chain as it streamed out. I realized how counterintuitive this was for not only myself but my clients and determinedly set out to break the pattern. I humbly returned to my roots, where I found my focus, letting myself interact with the world through my vision.

How do you hope to impact the world around you?

“A Balanced Footprint”

Unless I’m not seeing it, there’s no way to defy gravity. We all have a choice, a choice to take matters into our own hands, an opportunity for growth…to find oneself, and achieve a balance. I visualize this balance every day and wholeheartedly believe in the mission of Lotus Par LaChance. Please visit Here to learn why

How do you keep inspired?

Inspiration is limitless, I seek beyond what lies ahead. I appreciate those organic moments that come about naturally, traveling and visiting a new destination for unforgettable memories, or visiting a local farmers market for a case of beloved persimmon. I’ve filled my life with all kinds of choices and inspiration which I’ve kept private up until now, and I’ll be sharing my inspiration one vision at a time.

You emulate a strong character and conviction, how do you stay true to yourself? Does that reflect in your work?

True resilience can be exemplified by stoicism, the choice to push forward in the face of adversity. I’ve never shied away from seeking out the truth, relentlessly pursuing every avenue of possibility but not for the sake of validating an identity. My history has given me glimpses into diverse backgrounds, and I always maintained what I see as basic human courtesy…respect. I appreciate respect in reciprocity, one that doesn’t stop because of someone’s business clock, and I keep true to myself by keeping my conviction consistent, humanity crosses both life and career.